

The Pillar Network is an association of churches within the Southern Baptist Convention that are linked by our shared reformed theology and ecclesiology rooted in Scripture. We are thankful to partner with churches in the network for church planting, fellowship and training.


Our church financially supports Christian workers who are preaching the gospel and encouraging church planting in Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Muslim world, and Central Texas. We are thankful for the opportunity to participate in gospel ministry outside our community.


9Marks is not a network, but their leaders and resources have been helpful guides and conversation partners as we have sought to develop a culture of discipleship and evangelism at Christ Our Savior Baptist Church. Pastor Kyle Newcomer was an intern at Capitol Hill Baptist Church during his seminary days.

The Southern Baptist Convention

Christ Our Savior Baptist Church is in friendly cooperation with The Southern Baptist Convention. This means that we work together with like-minded Baptist churches throughout the nation to do things that we could not do alone. Among other things, this cooperation allows us to: