What We Believe

Our church’s unity rests on two foundations: our shared faith in Christ and our commitments to each other. These two foundations of unity are expressed in our church documents. Our Statement of Faith summarizes what we believe the Scriptures teach about God and how sinners can know him through faith in Christ. Our Church Covenant contains the promises we make to each other as we follow Christ together.

Statement of Faith

Our statement of faith is a summary of the essential truths of the Christian faith, and also defines those doctrines that Christians must agree on in order to form a church. This statement defines our church as historically Christian, evangelical, and practicing believer’s baptism and congregational polity.

Read our Statement of Faith.

Church Covenant

Our church covenant binds us together as a church, and documents our commitment to live out the gospel as the people of God. As those empowered by God's grace, the members of our church commit to living godly lives, caring for each other, and proclaiming the gospel, all for the glory of God. We would love for more Christians to come and covenant with us in this work.

Read or Download our Church Covenant.


Our church constitution describes the way our church functions on a day-to-day basis. It codifies our practices of church membership and discipline, the role of elders and deacons and how they are elected, and addresses other details of our life together.

Download our church constitution.